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Summer League Practice Schedule

All practices will be held at the Ebster Pool in Decatur.

Evening Practices begin Monday, May 6th: (practice schedule below)
Evening practices will be held Monday - Thursday evenings. There is no practice on Swim Meet days.


5-5:50 p.m. Gators Team Group A

6-6:50 p.m. Gators Team Group B

7-7:50 p.m. Gators Team Group C

Our coaches will be assigning practice times based on age and skill. We will do our best to accommodate families with multiple swimmers. You will know your practice time the first week of practice. 

Thanks for your patience!

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Fall League Practice Schedule

All practices will be held at the Ebster Pool in Decatur.

Evening Practices begin Tuesday August 6: (practice schedule below)
Practices will be held Tuesday & Thursday evenings.

5-5:50 p.m. Gators Team Group A

6-6:50 p.m. Gators Team Group B

Our coaches will be assigning practice times based on age and skill. We will do our best to accommodate families with multiple swimmers. You will know your practice time the first week of practice.

Thanks for your patience!

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The Decatur Gators Team is a member of the Atlanta Swim Association. 

The Atlanta Swim Association (ASA) is a grass roots program that introduces children to the sport of competitive swimming. We are focused on good sportsmanship, teamwork, and most importantly a fun experience for swimmers who are new to the sport. 

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