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Decatur Gators: FAQ for 2025 Summer Season

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Practice Questions

When are practices?

Monday -Thursday evenings, beginning May 1. Once our meets start, there will be no practice on Tuesdays (meet days) 

How do I know which practice time to attend?

Our coaches will be assigning practice times based on age and skill. We will do our best to accommodate families with multiple swimmers. You will know your practice time the first week of practice.

What if I miss my practice time?

If you miss your practice time, you may NOT attend another practice at a different time. You will need to wait for your next assigned practice time.

If we are on a year-round swim team, do we need to attend Gators practice?

We do not require our year-round swimmers to attend daily Gators practice.

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Meet Questions

Can you give an overview of swim meets? How will they work?

Both home meets (held at the Ebster pool) and away meets (at various pools in the area) are held on Tuesday evenings. Sign Ups for swim meets are due the Saturday before the swim meet at 5pm. If your swimmer is interested in swimming in a meet, they need to "declare" on our team webpage, under the swim meet calendar. 

What about the ASA Championship meet at the end of the season?

There will be an ASA meet at the end of season at Georgia Tech. The Gators team will not require attendance from their swimmers, but we will participate.

Is my swimmer required to participate in swim meets?

No, swim meet participation is not required, but we encourage all our swimmers to try at least one meet! 

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